Dr. John Boudreau is a professor emeritus of management and organization and a senior research scientist with the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business. With his research on the bridge between work, superior human capital and leadership and sustainable competitive advantage, Dr. Boudreau’s interests
are in the evidence-based visionaries on the future of work and organization. Dr. Boudreau has received the Academy of Management’s Organizational Behavior New Concept and Human Resources Scholarly Contribution awards. His work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Fast Company and BusinessWeek. He has also
served as strategic advisor to a wide range of organizations, including early-stage companies, global corporations, government and nonprofit organizations. He founded and led CHREATE, the Global Consortium to Reimagine HR, Employment Alternatives, Talent and the Enterprise. Dr. Bourdreau received his doctorate degree. in management, human resources, industrial
psychology and strategy from Purdue University.